Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all yellow.
Guess what 2morrow is? MARCH BREAK!!!! i dunno how to put this into words but i am so happy that i can take a break from school and just hang out with some close friends, I dunno why but like i've said before i'm at a point where my friends mean everything to me right now, it's weird cause they just have so much of and effect on me lately (i mean its great but it's weird at the same time) I dunno what the hell i'm talking about just forget it i'll edit this later
Hey i said i'd edit it later but i was curling later so now is even later so yeah. Anyways since it's like 1 am today is the start of march break so YAY about that! Also TODAY IS THE START OF MARCH BREAK SO YAY. I gotta pack later (will can help me with that yes?) anyways everything is going good, listening to some Coldplay (Yellow) and just relaxxing right now, i can;t wait for school to be over 2morrow, it's going to be so GREAT.
Darryl you better be having that party you've been talking about and i'd better be invited!
sorry the type is so small but the site is screwing up or something (and if the type isn;t small then i've fixed it so yay go me!
Guess what 2morrow is? MARCH BREAK!!!! i dunno how to put this into words but i am so happy that i can take a break from school and just hang out with some close friends, I dunno why but like i've said before i'm at a point where my friends mean everything to me right now, it's weird cause they just have so much of and effect on me lately (i mean its great but it's weird at the same time) I dunno what the hell i'm talking about just forget it i'll edit this later
Hey i said i'd edit it later but i was curling later so now is even later so yeah. Anyways since it's like 1 am today is the start of march break so YAY about that! Also TODAY IS THE START OF MARCH BREAK SO YAY. I gotta pack later (will can help me with that yes?) anyways everything is going good, listening to some Coldplay (Yellow) and just relaxxing right now, i can;t wait for school to be over 2morrow, it's going to be so GREAT.
Darryl you better be having that party you've been talking about and i'd better be invited!
sorry the type is so small but the site is screwing up or something (and if the type isn;t small then i've fixed it so yay go me!
OH peeeeeete..it's later and u still didn't edit it yet! hahaha *GURGLE GURGLE* ITS MARCH BREAK!!!! WEll...not yet..but eh it is to me. Brain has had a shut down already! Wheeeeee...i shall comment every day now..and make fun of u every single day...MUAHHAHAA! Nah..i don't have that much time..geez..nehoo i'm out!
I love you too man!
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