Long Time no Write

Protest sign courtsey of Toronto Coalition to Stop the War

Chant leader for the parade

Greenpeace showing their support
Garden showing respect for the fallen

So much to say but really haven't felt like writing in a while is all...So let's make this kinda like some sort of Pete update sorta thing sound good?
So what have i been up to hummmmm lets think bout that...
University- (there really is only going to be one sub heading which is this one cause my life is all university now)
Going great, defenitly gotta get some help with my writing cause that is defenitly at an average high school level, not to good for university i msut say. But the classes are so interesting. Last night i read an entire trext book in like 2 hours. It was easy casue the whole thing was made to look like a comic book and it explains how comics are a valuable form of communication. these priciples can also be applied to other visual forms of communication. It's all relative eh? and really interesting, in my view at least.
I went out for cheerleading yesterday. yeah laugh now but look at it from my point of view, one guy, like 30 girls and they all respect me for coming out. So yeah not bad lol But it was intense, like they work you as much as a football practise does. we did suicides for a while like 15 min and then we did this thing with 3 sets of 20 i dunno what it was but you put your legs in the air while lying on your back and someone pushes your feet down and you have to tlift them up only to get them pushed down again, we did that and then the same thing only your feet got pushed to the side, oh and your feety couldn;t hit the floor, it killed your abs (yes dispite what you might think i do have abs they are just not visable)
After that we did stunting, where we lift one girl ( the flyer ) up and she poses then we bring her down, my job is to help her get onto the bases (two girls) hands and they lift her, i help by grabbing her ankles and support her as well, also if she falls i am the one who has to catch her which happend a few times, she said she felt safer having a guy as the thrid since i was more stable than the girls who are also thirds. I find out today if i make the team or not so we'll see, if i do it should be good times and it will also keep me active which is good.
To the Left you may have noticed some photos, which really is no surprise cause i'm a freaking photography student! but i got my browser updated so i can finally show you guys what i've been doing photo wise. Tell me what you think and all that. All you gotta do to post is write your comment and sign it, but then select anomymous (spelled wrong i know) so that way you dun have to sign up for anything but remember to sign your name so i know who wrote it.
these are images from the Anti War march on Saturday Sept. 24th in front of the US embassy in downtown Tdot. IT was pretty cool and well organized i enjoyed it, It was alot of fun to shoot to. Oh and none of these photos have be altered in any way, so what you see is whaty ou get, no photoshoping at all. Some could stand a little colour balance but aw well, that all comes later, i like to keep as true to the actualy picture as i can ya know, otherwise it's like cheating eh?
I gotta go to a yearbook meeting...
-Time passes-'
Back from the yearbook meeting, and guess who's photo editor? ME oh and i checked my email a few minutes ago and gues who got on the cheerleading squad? KAT and Julie!.......oh yeah and ME! so it's good times cept i got a bunch of work to do for class that i should prob get started on eh? so i think i'll end this here and talk to you all later!
Take Care,
ps. GO GH!
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