Monday, April 11, 2005

A poem

Hi there everybody,

After letting some of my closest friends (you know who you are) read this and help me edit it, i have finally gotten up the nerve to let other people see this. I dun know who it's about so don;t ask me, i figure my explination for writing it is that if i write about how it would feel to have this kind of love and loose it then i will know when i have it (if that makes sense) Anyways here goes nothing please let me know what you think, and please, be gentle:

No Title-

I know I'll never see you again
I hear you crying
I feel you pushing me away
I see you running for the door

I tried to stop you
You wouldn't listen
You've made up your mind
So you're gone
And all I can do is sit here and think of you
Your eyes
Your smile

I can't do this without you
You were everything to me
All I had to do was hold you
And everything would be alright
You are my soul
And now I'm dying inside
I need you back
Your eyes
Your smile

I get out of the car
Look out over the vast landscape
See the trees in all their autumn glory
Watch the final rays of the sun
Gently paint the sky
Feel the cool breeze
Close my eyes
And think of you
Your eyes
Your smile

I remember laughing with you
The way you looked at me
And how i felt when i held you

I'll never have that feeling again
All I can do is feel the agony of a lost love
So I fall
Over the edge
Through the trees
All the while thinking of you
Your eyes
Your smile

I wake up
Feel the cold sweat on my body
My heart pounding
My breath shallow
I sit there
Staring into the darkness
And think of you
Your eyes
Your smile

I hear you breathing
I see you lying there
Beside me
That's all I need
Your eyes
Your smile


And there you have it, personally i don't really like the last stanza but hey that's me. Let me know what needs work and please don't laugh lol.
Also i would like to thank those who i first showed this to for being supportive and telling me it was good and all that, Thanks guys

Love you all,



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