The colour is gone

What is there to talk about, i mean i could talk about school or practise that i have tonight from 8-10 oh wow that will be fun (actually it will) but that would be advoiding what is actually on my mind, i dunno how many people will understand the true nature of this post but i want to say that I want closure i guess one way to put it would be...I want to talk to someone cause the last time i talked to them it was odd and she said we needed to talk and i agreeded, don;t worry people who don't know it's not the usual relationship "we need to talk" shortly followed by the "it's not you it's me" no no this is just a friend and i agreeing that things are not right between us and i know it's my fault. I'm sorry for it.
My life was so colourful, i was happy and it was great, i love colour i makes life interesting and fun. But what happened on the weekend makes me focus on other things. It's no ones fault i feel this way but my own, no on is making me feel bad about something that i shouldn't feel bad about. But Honestly it feels like the colour is gone from my world, I shouldn't be this upset about it but i am. I think this is the first time i've ever truly wished that i could go back in time and THINK just think, honestly. The people who this concerns know what i'm talking about.
*time passes*
I talked to her tonight. I left a message for her and then i saw her on msn and i asked if i could call and she said yes\. I thought it would help things talking to her, and i think it did, i mean she is still mad at me and believe me she does have every right to but now i know exactly what i di wrong so i can better address the issue now.
I feel horrible have i made this clear? i think so. I AM SO EMO this is crazy, am i overreacting?
I take comfort in the fact that our relationship is so strong and i'm confident that our friendship will easily pull through this but i hate making her upset\mad. I'm the cause of it and i hate myself for it.
I couldn't sleep last night
I thought of this
Of who i hurt,
about my actions and how i regret them
I'm sorry,
G'night guys,
P.S Will took this picture (there you happy now man? way to take away from my sentimental post)
My little Filipino heart weeps at your words... (wow, that was probably one of the least heterosexual comments I've ever made...)
I'm out. TTYL.
- Will
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