Nuit Blanche

Hey there people,
I know not a lot of people follow this mostly because i really don't post in it enough to hold anyones interest but aw well, i write in it every once and a while and that's good enough for me. I really should get back into writing but like a lot of people i have to be in the mood to write, it's not that i've been to busy or anything like that but i just haven't felt like it to be honest. Not that i have nothing to say either, just don;t know how to put it down on "paper". Plus a lot of things i just tell to that someone on the phone late at night, all my new views on things as i go through my second year of classes here at Guelph Humber. Media Studies is a really interesting topic and we look at the media on such a new level. It's like I'm re-evaluating how i see the world. It's not changing my view at all so maybe that's the wrong word for it. Rather i'm getting more educated and am able to understand how things work better. A more in depth view of the world while still maintaining the same general direction. Does that make sense?
Any way i describe it probably won't make sense so we'll just move on.
I put the Image of the flower in the corner of this post as a image of Rememberance. This past weekend i had to say goodbye to a close friend of mine. We had to put my dog down on Saturday September 23rd at 11:40am. He had pancreatic Cancer and we decided that it would be best to put him down and save him from anymore pain. Even if we had gone through with more tests and eventually an operation there was no chance he would be the same, he would never be the same dog he was. We wanted him to go with some dignity left. It was hard but it was the best thing for him. A single flower to show that he will be missed. I'm glad I was there with you when the time came to take your life. It is something that I will always remember... thank you.
I didn't mean to bring anyone down but i just wanted to pay my respects and all that.
On a lighter note people should check out a unique city wide event coming up this weekend.
Just Click the Link at the top of this page (the Subject line) and it will take you to the Website
Hope to see you there,
i'm really sorry about your dog
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