Sunday, April 17, 2005


I'll write something later, i'm just trying to understand it all right now...


Timing hasn't been my friend lately, I dunno why but it has, I go home after school, i open a letter from Guelph humber and i get in but no friends around (if i had gone home at lunch like i had most of the week i woulda been able to celebrate with friends and then Guess what happened tonight? I was over at Darryl's house with him Ria, and Priyanka. at 10 i drive Priyanka home and then i figure it's only 10 so i head over to deans party that i said i'd stop by at say hi to ppl. I'm there for a bit and then my mom calls me and i'm told my grandma just died, so i want to get home to see my dad (his mom is the one who passed) but i can't really move. So i go sit down and Sam asks what's wrong i guess it was kinda obvious that i was upset, i was just sitting there with my head hanging down hand on the back of my neck i was told my left hand was shaking a lot. Well i calmed down a little and went to my car drove like 3 blocks and i had to pull over, i just couldn't do it so i pulled over and called Pri, honestly just to hear a calming voice, so i talked to her, it really did help me, thank you. Pulled myself together, and drove a little farther and then called Darryl, Why couldn' i have know about her dying 30 min earlier when i was at darryls, i would have been with 3 close friends rather than by myself at a busy party ya know. I got home safe though and called darryl but i need to keep the line free in case my dad was calling about when he'd be home so i couldn't talk to other ppl. No one was online and i wanted to talk. Will was online thopugh and i talked to him for a while that was nice thanks will. Anyways I'm kinda not that sad about her passing cause she had alzimers and everything she's almost better off. I mean sometimes we'd say i was curling next weekend and we'd go see her the week after she'd ask how'd it go, the next time i'd go see her and i'd have to leave cause she wouldn't know who i was and didn;t want me in her room. I dunno but i mean that didn't feel good. I wanted her to at least know who i was.

I've been thinking bout my grandfather passing lately even before this happened. i mean he passed away last summer before i knew what i wanted to do with my life. He was a photographer and founded Madison Photo Murals where my dad works enlarging B&W photos as well as mounting any murals. Anyways i'm into photography intensly now and i got accepted to Guelph humber for it and i know my Grandfather would not only be proud that i got into University but also that i'm doing photography. I only wish that i could show him just one of my photo's, just one i know he'd be proud, I know it.

I will post more 2morrow i want to write about this

love you guys thanks for being there



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Petey.

Looks like this is going to be the 2nd time in a matter of hours that I'll be leaving a message. Once again, I'm really sorry about your family's loss. Oh, and sorry about suddenly going offline. MSN screwed up, and my computer froze. Damn computer. But besides that, it's tough about this whole situation. Just hang tough, and do so especially for your dad, who I'm sure would definitely benefit from having his son stand stong alongside him. Your mom, your brother and you are all he's got now in the way of close family, so make sure that everything you do is something that'll make him proud. I'm sure you do that now, but with this situation, I think it would mean all that more.

Well, I guess that's all I can really say. Give me a call tomorrow, if there's a change in plans, or I guess I'll see you later then. Take care, and stand strong, if not for you, then for your dad.

Your bestest pal,

- Will

PS: Yes, I know, bestest isn't a word, but they should make it one!

1:31 a.m.  

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