Sunday, May 29, 2005

Wil's Bday

Hey all,

Guess what it's Wil's Bday! YAY happy bday to him and here's to a good time on friday night, as always. Today is saturday morning, i think, time gets all screwed up when you get small amounts of sleep. You see while i'm writing this and wil's beat boxing in the shower it's saturday morning and we are running on a nap's worth of sleep, i think wil got a little more but yeah like only 1.5 hours for me, aw well Good times. Yesterday (Friday) was good times, we went over to brit's house after i gave Wil his bday present from me and scott , a t shirt that read "I AM a visible minorty" it looked like the molson canadian logo for well I AM CANADIAN but different it was good stuff. Anyways we went to brits for partyness and ballons and streamers and blowers, lots and lots of blowers. OH GOD so many blowing jokes, good times but MY GOD honestly we have the dirtiest friends ever.But we love em and it's all good. i'm tired so these details may be a little sketchy, but fuck it doesn;t matter, oops i shouldn't swear i need to start cutting back if i wanna get that job. OK back to the friday nioght, we hung out in the basement for a while ordered pizza, went to get Gill, came back, ate more pizza, went to the feild to play football, wil dissapeared and then came back and we played football again with him this time, oh we ran a few races too. Went back to brits house sat outside for a while, her grandma comes home from her bros Bday and come up to us and the only thing she says is she looks at poor Darrly and Ria who are holding hand on the porch and says "No sex , we're english" i mean no hello or anything just....that. it was one of the funniest things i have ever heard. so yeah then scotty brit priyanka and myself went for a little walk around the block. it was a nice walk. oh and scott and i saw a shooting star. And then we lay on the feild and looked up for a while, had good talk and then went back, hung out for more, played football more, darryl Pri and Ria left sadly.

*EDIT: Wil (Sunday, May 29, 2005; 1:57pm)*

Hey people. I haven't read the above yet, but for those of you who are interested in knowing, I'm STILL HERE at Pete's. As you can tell by the listed time above, I've been here for a REALLY LONG TIME. I left my house for school on Friday at 6:30 in the morning, and I haven't been home since. It's pretty much been a life lived at Pete's this weekend. But it has been a REAL BLAST! This has definitely been one of the most interesting, as well as entertaining, roller-coaster-like, fun-filled, and fantastic birthday ever. Not to discount the ones past, but this one had it's own unique moments. I cannot forget all the -ness that has happened.

As probably mentioned, or to be mentioned, here's a re-cap of the guestlist:
...and of course...
ME!!! (Duh..)

Anyways, I've been hassling Mr. Madison over the last couple of days, and he has yet to complete his homework, so perhaps it would be best to allow him the opportunity to depart. I shall write more in my own blog later... if I feel like it. We'll see. There's no point in you people (yes you... whoever you are) reading it though, since I'm sure Pete will pretty much cover everything (that's worth telling) about this weekend. But yeah,, if anyone's interested. But it's not like there's much about me to really know. Unless you wanna know what I think. Okay, gotta go. Pete's kicking me off.


Thanks to you all who came to my birthday(...or otherwise.. heh..) It's been a blast. Looking forward to NEXT Friday... "To bright lights and Friday nights".

To end, my usual saying...

This is DEFINITELY not how I thought I'd be spending my Friday/weekend.


*End edit.*

Well that was will's little blurb, and now i have forgotten where i was.... so yeah after those 3 left the 5 of us that were left hung out till like 1 and then brits mom was kind enough to drive us home, so thanks to her! Wil stayed the night at my place so she drove us there. Gill got dropped off and then drove overt to my place after. So she, will and myself hung out until the early hours of the morning. She went home at 4 30. i feel bad cause she had to work the next day, well later that day. So that was the day that i only had an hour and an half's sleep. Good times. After Gill left i made wil and myself breakfast. Guess what we had? Rice and Orange Juice. It was great lol. At like 5 30 or 6 will and i went outside, walked around and took pics of the sunrise, something i've never done before, it was fun stuff, the 2 of us just walking round taking random pictures. we found this old beaten up car which had no side window (so we could get in it), so we thought hey why dun we get some pictures inside the car so i sat in it and wil took pics it was good times. When we got back i decided to make wil waffles, he helped make them i mean i couldn;t do it myself now come on. lol Actually i think i prob could...anyways after we ate the m i'm not to sure what we did, we may have started "team america", or "the day after 2morrow" i'm not sure exactly, but i do know that we made cookies from scratch, so that was fun, we made them to spell out our names, it was awesome, oh and we made one suggestive cookie...let;s skip that. So yeah Gill came over again shortly after that and then Pri and Ria came over and then Al showed up around 6 i think, we decided to make Pasta for dinner and rice cripsy squares for dessert. So we had to go to the store to get supplies. That was actually fun so that was good. We had a great time just getting food for dinner, that's why i love my friends we can have such a good time and not do anything! i dunno how but we can. Anyways we got home and me and Al made dessert and Wil made the pasta. That is after we cleaned up from cookies. We made dinner and then ate it and toasted to Wil's bday. Good food, Good friends, Good times. everyone was kind enough to help cook or clean up so i wasn;t on my own for that so thanks to everyone, but i still think i did more dishes this weekednd than i ever have lol. So we ate dessert which was awesome and then just sorta hung out, and danced to "Old Time Rock and Roll" oh and took pictures, when will and i went out to take pics of the sunrise we decided to take pictures to document the entire day, so wil was constantly taking pictures . They turned out awesome and we had fun looking though them afterwards. everyone went home about 1 ish and then will and i finished Team America, and i made us a milkshake, then we went to bed round 3, woke up round 10 30 or so or maybe it was 11 30 not t o sure actually, anyways, Wil made more rice for breakfast and we ate it and then watch "the day after 2morrow" which is a decent movie, Pri stopped by just for fun. she was driving past and decided to say hi. after that we put the pics on a cd for wil and then that's it. He went home *sniff* so yeah that's my story of Wil's Wild Birthday Weekend. It was good times man
Thanks to everyone
I love you all!!
see ya guys,



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