Sunday, May 08, 2005

Will's house

Good times, I called will sat, and headed over to his house, now i know what your thinking...wills house! damn that's so FAR, i mean damn, i hate going out there, lol but i mean what's on the other end is worth the trip. I mean we just kinda just hung out and played video games, then came over to my place and played frisbee with some guys then went back to his place and played more video games, but it was good times had by all. It was good talking to the guy. I mean it's weird, i can talk to that guy about's crazy, i mean if we ever have a problem even if it;s bout the other person we can talk bout it, it's good times, good music too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah boi.. what up?

Haven't read this in a while, so I thought I'd give it a quick scan. Very cool. Saturday was great, eh? Umm, if you wanna do it again this Saturday, I guess we could. I was talking to Steph today, and she wanted to do stuff with me this weekend. So I guess if you're free and she's free, we could hang out at my house. Maybe even drop by the Reach people later at.. wherever. Pending you can drive us, or want to. Whatever. As you always say, "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

All right, I think I'll do a little posting on my own page. I'll talk to you later!

12:04 a.m.  

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