Thursday, April 28, 2005

It doesn't make sense

I dunno why but the world is just unfair, Why do bad things happen to good people, they work hard do good things don't think of themselves often and yet shitty things happen to good people. It's just not fair...

Alright well i been writing a little and i wanna know what you people think of it...keep in mind this is a first draft


The Final Sunset
(rewrite title)

The world is crazy

Everyone has the wrong idea

Everyone is heading down different paths
And yet we're all going in the same direction.

I want the end of the world to come
I hope it happens in my lifetime
No matter how it happens i'm sure it will be beautiful
But i hope i doesn't end in a slow freeze
I want an explosion.
I want to see fireworks
Bright lights
I want to see the greatest sunset ever
Everyone would be scared
Boarding up their basements
Why try to stop it
Just accept it
You'll be just as gone as me in the end.
I'll be up on the roof
Watching that final sunset
I can't wait until it happens
Until the sunset takes me to peace.


This is the very first draft, copied from my notebook so i'll edit it and keep posting. Please help me by leaving comments




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