Thursday, June 23, 2005

First Day of Freedom

Hey there,

So i bet your wondering what i did with my first full day of being finished high school. Well if you are then i'll tell you if not then just leave the page now, but i know everyone wants to know, i'm just that good looking. lol Anyways i slept till bout 11. when i wake up i was informed that "some girl" according to my parents, called me at like 8 and asked if i was up yet. When the heard the question they just laughed and said what do you think, it's pete and he's done school why would he be up now lol (ok they might not have actually said that but hey whatever). Anyways i went to have a shower and while i was in there i heard the phone ring but couldn;t do anything bout it. Then i got out and it rang again, It was Priyanka calling, apparently she was the one who had called earlier looking for me. Anyways we decided to meet at Cinnabon at eglinton station, and have a bite to eat for lunch (well for me it was breakfast) After that me and her went to Fairview mall to look around at stuff. I ended up in this store i've never been in before Bluenotes or something like that. Anyways they had these shirts 2 or more and you got them for 10 bucks each so i'm like good times! i bought 2 and they are these graphic tees so they got funny stuff on them, you'll see them when you see them, why ruin the surprise? Thanks to Pri for helping in the picking of them! Anyways Pri had to go to work so we left after that, full of food and me with new shirts, so yeah we went on the bus to my house and by that time my parental units were done with the car so we got the car and i drove her to work, which is right by Darryls house so after i dropped her off and we listened to some music i headed over to Darryls house for some ping pong and good times. Then i had dinner at my house and now i'm off to pick up Gill from work and then head over to darryls and then stop by JB's (pri's place of buisness) for some dessert. Good Times will be had i'm guessing, till later....

Take care,



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