Thursday, June 16, 2005

Yearbook Signage

Hey guys,

Today was full of yearbook signing just like the rest of the week had been. The past 2 nights i've taken Will's and Priyanka's book home and they did the smae for mine. So many words written they're like mini essay's just trying to sum up our time together, it's so hard, i mean sure you can talk about how great the person is or your memories together but some things you just can;t put into words, the way you feel around that person, it's hard to explain so really i always feel like i'm not writing the right things but hey no one's ever returned a yearbook comment or anything so i guess i'm doing ok. But i love reading them to it just shows how sweet you friends are. It scary to think that next year i'm going to go to school and not see my friends everyday, i mean sure i'll make new friends but it's not the same is it. It's unknown so it's scary but hey something good might come out of it who knows as long as i have my friends behind me i'll be fine, just fine.

that's all for now




Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will ALWAYS have us.

10:53 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better not lose my yearbook.

11:38 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



9:35 a.m.  

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