Thursday, November 03, 2005

Go Hawks

Sorry bout that, got a little leftover energy from the game. What game, oh did i forget to tell you? Today was the first performance of the Guelph-Humber Cheerleaders!! It was awesome, we had a great time doing it to. Met up at 5 and took a Coach bus ride with the B-Ball Team, they weren't to talkative but the girls were nervous and excited so it was a fun bus ride. We got there warmed up and sat in the stands and cheered for our Hawks and then we did the haalftime show which was awesome!! we kicked some serious ass and it was a blast too!! :-) The ride home was a Blast! the team even thought they lost was having fun on the way home. Good times all round! When we got home Jann, Jill, Renee, Martha and I had a lot of energy as did everyone so we went out for some food and then that brings me to now. Very brief description from the eyes of GH's first male cheerleader. I promise more detailes to come, cause i got some good stories, but they are better in person ;-)

Take Care,
add more later,

-Pete- The one and Only


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