This friday is Nov. 11th meaning it's rememberance day. This is my favorite "day" it make me so proud to be a canadian. I'm honoured that these people would die to give me and everyone else the life that we have today. I wish i could tell the fallen just how much of a difference they made. To say thanks for what you did, i am so proud of you. Someday i'm going to go to france and visit the place that i think is the most important part of canada's war history: Vimy Ridge in france. I won;t get into specifics but it is the first time that Canada's army was respected by the rest of the allied forces proving to them that Canada was a force. It was an incerdible victory and the story is facsinating. The Canadians didn't overpower the opposition but out smarted them. I'll post the story once i get a chance to write it up. Anyways i would like to share with you the photos that you can see as my gift of appreciation to the fallen. My way of saying thanks by honouring their memory. I urge anyone who reads this to attened a ceremony on Nov. 11th.
Lest we Forget,

Lest we Forget,

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