Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years everyone!! 2006! woo! yeah! another year and i'm still here, awesome.

Any resolutions? Maybe, lets see....

1. I will listen to a lot of new music hopefully, expand a little ya know
2. I will continue to listen to the music that i have come to love
3. I will try my best to succed in my schooling and all that good stuff
4. I will make "my" cookbook the best that i can, my first real job, gotta make it good
5. This summer I will work on my creative photography and create a series and then try to get it shown
6. I will be the best friend that i can
7. I will be there for anyone who needs me
8. I will bulk up for cheer, stick to the workout schedule and better myself
9. I will vote
10. I will learn something new, other than from school
11. I will write more, if i can
12. I will find out why the 5th dentist doesn't recommend trident
13. I will find my angel, that person who makes me a better person by just being around her, this is not something i can control but something i want to happen
14. I will continue this list later

Ok i dun know what else to add. DO you ever stop and think about what you actually want out of life? I'm sitting here on my winter break, running out orf things to do, seems everyone is busy with jobs or something, i'm just sitting here and wasting my life (slight exageration) i feel as though i should be doing work toward some great life goal or something rather than sitting around watching daytime TV like some slob or something like that. WHat do you want from life. It's a hard question that needs to be answered eventually.
I need to go do some thinking




Anonymous Anonymous said...

what an admirable list! good luck in keeping them all, and i really hope number 13 comes true.

xo meg

6:59 p.m.  

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