School is.....intersesting

I'm taking a break. I need to stop working for a little while. Oh man this is crazy i got so much to do, and i'm just tired. and it's not even all school work but school related, whether it be people at school or extra curricular stuff or admin stuff there is just a lot of it and i need to do it all. I mean sure i can handle it, i know i can. And this is where i belong. But the work is....not too tough but in a large volume. But overall this is a really good experience and i think that if i had chosen anywhere else to go to school i would be a lot worse off. That's just me though. everyone has a way of learning whether it be hands on or hours of studying. That's something which i love about this place is that i do hardly any studying. It's all projects and learnig a topic through research, i can do it my own way you know? Maybe it's not the best way to do it but it's how i like to do it.
And like i said this is defenitly the place for me, no doubt. *The people here are amazing* i love them all, but a few stand out from the rest. And one or 2 stand out even more than that. I have found some amazing people who i think will always hold a special place in my heart. Some people who have shown me such unconditional kindness that i hope i show to others. These people there is just something about them. And i Thank the people for being who they are because i really respect you, many time putting other before yourself. I hope that someone somewhere feels this way about me, and i know there are people who do, but i hope one or 2 of the people i have met recently see me the way i see a select few. That to me would be amazing, i try to be a good friend to everyone but who knows what other people are thinking you know? Maybe that's just selfish of me....
I found out recently that one of the boys i coached last year who moved out to Calgary had joined a sort of select curling team. This was great to hear. This boy (15 or 16 i think) was an avereage curler when i met him and he was very coachable and after a few weeks i had made a few adjustments to his slide which greatly improved his game. I know a family friend of his and she told me the other day that Justin (the kid) tried out for this select team and his parents told her that I gave him the confidence to do so. This blew me away. With the changes in his slide which i did he was much more consistant in his game and gave him the confidence to do this. I was so....proud. The fact that my effort chaanged someones life for the better. However small the change it was still a change. It made me feel so good. It made my day to be honest. I love to coaach others and share my knowledge and plan to move on to my Level 2 coaching next season.
Kind of a random story i know but hey what you going to do, your the one reading it. I didn't force ya lol. But yeah i just thought i share some thoughts i had.
Ok and if your wondering what the photos are, it's a project i had to do. Self portraits, one is how i see myself\ want others to see me and the other (the bottom one) is how i think the world sees me. You like? I'll let you know what my prof thinks...
I should get back to work,
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