I went down to the atrium of my school to take photos of the rememberance ceremony. I was there along with like 20 other people, 15 of which came down because they were in the right spot at the right time. No one knew it was going to happen it wasn't organized or advertised well. There was a reading of Flanders Feild and a moment of silence along with the playing of Taps on a recording. During the moment of silence there was nooise from the upper floors since people were unaware if what was going on or just didn't care. How can this be? How can only 20 people show up for a rememberance ceremony and only 5 who actually knew it was going to happen. This makes me angry and scared. Angry at the lack of support by my school, it was 2 students who did the reading and such, they had a microphone set up by the school but that was the only help the school provided. I believe that the administration should have been very involved. I'm ashamed, I'm also worried about what is going to happen when the World War 2 Vetrens are gone? This holiday will be forgotten. I'm not going to let that happen. I think that our generation has to take this holiday under their wing and make sure that we remember the great men and women who fought to give us what we have. These veterens were our age when they went in to battle. Our age. I can't Imagine our generation dropping everything, leaving our schools and enlisting to serve our country. Leaving behind our love ones and everything that we have worked for during our short time on this planet. Risking our lives for our country. It is an incredible thing that these vetrens did and i'm so proud of them for doign something that i couldn't even imagine.
After i came home from my school i turned on the tv to watch a real rememberance day ceremony, the gathering at Old City hall. The moment of silennce had passed but everyone there was still silent watching veterens, widows, and gradchilderen place wreaths at the foot of the memorial. I started listening to the commentators and hearing the stories of some veterens. After watcching this i started thinking about what will happen, will our generation carry on this day? and also thought about the fact that these men and women were our age, this is when my emotions started to get the best of me. In the middle of this post i had to stop cause i lost it. Tears of pure pride.
I'm so proud of my grandfathers who fought for our country, both of whom have since passed. I thank them and those they served with for what they did for me.
Lest we forget,
After i came home from my school i turned on the tv to watch a real rememberance day ceremony, the gathering at Old City hall. The moment of silennce had passed but everyone there was still silent watching veterens, widows, and gradchilderen place wreaths at the foot of the memorial. I started listening to the commentators and hearing the stories of some veterens. After watcching this i started thinking about what will happen, will our generation carry on this day? and also thought about the fact that these men and women were our age, this is when my emotions started to get the best of me. In the middle of this post i had to stop cause i lost it. Tears of pure pride.
I'm so proud of my grandfathers who fought for our country, both of whom have since passed. I thank them and those they served with for what they did for me.
Lest we forget,
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