Friday, April 27, 2007



The sand swirls in a furry against her face
No one around to help her
So she falls to the ground
And the sand gathers

Will she ever be found in this world
Everyone is disillusioned
Always looking up toward to heavens
Their eyes on false hopes
Blinded by bright lights
No one ever seems to be digging
trying to find what really matters

Friday, January 19, 2007

Bill O'Reilly Factor After Stephen Colbert

A totaly biased interpetation of Colbert and Stewarts success.

read more | digg story

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Future

This is a pretty intense thought. And everyone is thinking about it, what will the trends be, what will the needs be of the population. Who is going to have the next big idea?
Why am i talking about all this. I'm watching this show called Dragons Den and it's a Canadian show (originated in the UK) where Entrepreneurs go in front of 5 largely successful buisness poeple who own companies like La Senza, Boston Pizza, and the Learning Company (which was sold to Mattel for 3.7 billion dollars) and pitch their ideas. If the "dragons" like the idea then they invest their own money into the idea in return for a percentage of the person pitching the idea's company.
It's an intesting idea for a show.
The "Dragons" are interesting people in their own right, i mean these people all started out with an idea and have made billions of dollars, the Learning company which sold for 3.7 billion was created in Kevin O'Leary's basement. These people have enough money to do anything with thier lives. The question I'm asking is why are they still doing buisness, probably because it's all they know, or it's our need to always have more money. Who knows. You know how people always say that if i had a million dollars i'd do what i've always wanted to do, Maybe doing buisness and owning a ton of real estate and managing large companies. This is their calling, some people paint some people make money.
Think of those youTube guys who now all of a sudden have billions of dollars. What are they going to do with the money? are they going to keep making websites or are they going to go off and do other things like Mark Cuban (who bought the Dallas Mavericks). Are we going to find out, probably not because it's not big news. I swear this country has ADD.


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Terrorists Hating Canada, Is like Hating Toast... There is no Reason to.

Congratulations Canada, Apparently you are finally a Terrorist target... But why?

read more | digg story

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Nuit Blanche

Hey there people,

I know not a lot of people follow this mostly because i really don't post in it enough to hold anyones interest but aw well, i write in it every once and a while and that's good enough for me. I really should get back into writing but like a lot of people i have to be in the mood to write, it's not that i've been to busy or anything like that but i just haven't felt like it to be honest. Not that i have nothing to say either, just don;t know how to put it down on "paper". Plus a lot of things i just tell to that someone on the phone late at night, all my new views on things as i go through my second year of classes here at Guelph Humber. Media Studies is a really interesting topic and we look at the media on such a new level. It's like I'm re-evaluating how i see the world. It's not changing my view at all so maybe that's the wrong word for it. Rather i'm getting more educated and am able to understand how things work better. A more in depth view of the world while still maintaining the same general direction. Does that make sense?
Any way i describe it probably won't make sense so we'll just move on.
I put the Image of the flower in the corner of this post as a image of Rememberance. This past weekend i had to say goodbye to a close friend of mine. We had to put my dog down on Saturday September 23rd at 11:40am. He had pancreatic Cancer and we decided that it would be best to put him down and save him from anymore pain. Even if we had gone through with more tests and eventually an operation there was no chance he would be the same, he would never be the same dog he was. We wanted him to go with some dignity left. It was hard but it was the best thing for him. A single flower to show that he will be missed. I'm glad I was there with you when the time came to take your life. It is something that I will always remember... thank you.

I didn't mean to bring anyone down but i just wanted to pay my respects and all that.

On a lighter note people should check out a unique city wide event coming up this weekend.
Just Click the Link at the top of this page (the Subject line) and it will take you to the Website

Hope to see you there,


Monday, August 14, 2006

Greetings one and all!

Well well well

I'm finally writing in here for the first time in a long long time. I don't know why i don;t write in here more, if it's because no one really reads it or if i have nothing interesting to say or if it's because I have someone who listens to me enough that i don;t have to vent on here whenever i feel the need. (most likely the last one)
I'm at trillium again this year but this time i'm here as an assistant. This means that i'm a half coach. I get to teach some lessons and such but I also have to do all the leg work, you know pay your dues and maybe just maybe i'll be able to come back as a coach one year...I'm so excited to be here this year as an assistant. Given the oppertunity to learn (this time coaching) From some of the best coaches from around the world. And to be one of 6 assistants who got to work here this week is something special, I'm honourd to be here and am looking forward to the reat of the week. My Kids this week are great but since they are some of the youngest kids at camp they are a little reserved to start off with but by the end of the week they won't want to leave. especially after tonight's scavanger hunt which gets the whole colour group working as a team to collect a whole bunch of items. It's always a good time. I just hope that the kid come out of their shell enough to have a good time tonight.

I gotta get back to work so Take Care


Sunday, June 18, 2006


It hurt (for like a second) but in the end i love it :)