Saturday, October 29, 2005

When we two parted

I would like to share one of my favoutie poems with you. It's by one of the masters of Romantic potery. Not only did he write about love but in the true essence of Romantic poetry he wrote about all emotions. This poem is about love but also the pain of love. What is unique about Byron is he wrote about actual events in his life and people around him. This poem was written about people he knew who had to end an affair. Byron put himself in the man's position and wrote about how he would feel in that situation. Byron was an amazing writer who i have great admiration for, read this see what you think:

When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.

The dew of the morning
Sunk chill on my brow—
It felt like the warning
Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
And light is thy fame:
I hear thy name spoken,
And share in its shame.

They name thee before me,
A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me—
Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee,
Who knew thee too well:
Long, long shall I rue thee,
Too deeply to tell.

In secret we met—
In silence I grieve,
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.

-Lord Byron

A comment

Who left this...

Anonymous said...

Soo.. what are you doing to contribute?

10:44 PM

Why didn't you sign your name.
I take offence to this. I'm doing my part. A group at school and myself are organizing a Ryan's Well day. This is a day to raise money for Ryan's well Organization which helps give clean water to those in Uganda and other such countries in need of it.
Water is Life.

Take Care,


P.S And sign your name.

I also want to call attention to a entry i wrote a while ago when i cam up for the idea for this Ryan's Well Project...

"I want to talk about an idea for the Activist project, well a suggestion really. I've been attending a curling camp for the past 4 years, this was my final year. And every year during the camp the CCA and Trillium Curling Camp try to raise money for a very good cause. This year the week long camp that runs twice and involves a total of 192 campers raised just over $2,500. The good cause? Ryan's Well. This is a charity which takes the money collected and uses it to build wells in areas of the world that has no access to clean drinking water. This is a very important thing. It's a fact that 20% of the world's population, that's 1.1 billion human beings who don't have access to clean drinknig water. About 2.2 million die each year because of a lack of water or sanitation. Most of which are children under five years of age. On top of that how many people do you think die of water born diseases? About 3-4 million people, including 2 million children that die of diarrhea. These are some very scary numbers and it gets worse. More than 6,000 childeren die each year beacuse of lack of clean water or water born diseases. I know this is scary and i know that it's hard to think about but it's a reality. This year i had the oppertunity to meet the man who created this wonderful project Ryan Hreljac. Actually i met the boy who started it all, Ryan is 14 years old today and he started this charity when he was about 6. His class was learning about the world and when the teacher told the class that they were very lucky because they had access to water whenever they wanted ryan was confused. He didn't understand why people couldn't have clean water. Because when your 6 you think of the world as being your backyard. And when his class started to collect money for unicef ryan wanted to help. he learned that it took $50 dollars to build a well. So he started to do chores around the house and for neighbours and eventually got $50. He took it to his teacher and felt very good about himself. So he wanted to build more wells, he got his class to start bake sales and kid stuff like that to raise money. Ever since then the rest is history. His charity has raised over a million dollars and help thousands of people.
There is a side story attached to this story, bear with me I'm sorry this is so long but it's a matter close to my heart and i want you all to have a good understanding of this so we can consider this as our topic. If we don't then you can all learn about Ryans well and the next story.
The side story is Ryan started writing to a pen pal in Uganda. A boy named Jimmy . He was 2 years older than Ryan and lived with his mother, aunt and 5 other boys in a round hut just big enough for them all to lie down in. They exchanged letters often Jimmy found it a very good way to practise english. But one day Jimmy's letters stopped coming, for a month Ryan didn't recive a letter. It turns out that Jimmy's village was raided by a rebel resistance army who kidnap kids as recruits in their force. Jimmy was tied up and thrown into a hut. While in there he chewed through his restraints and ran out of the hut toward the forest. The rebel force fired at him and Jimmy fell pretending to be shot and crawled into the forest. Jimmy slept in the forest that night and in the moring ran to the place where he dropped off his letters to Ryan. This was a outpost of the Canadian Embassy. To make a long story short Ryan's family ended up adopting Jimmy and he is now Ryan's brother. I also had the pleasure to meet jimmy at this camp i attened along with Ryan and Jimmy, they participated in all non curling events, Ryan wasn;t much of a curler and jimmy had never seen ice and was scared of it but we eventually overcame that fear. They are 2 of the nicest people you will ever meet and they share an incredible story of human kindness.
I hope you guys will read this and consider something to do with ryan's well as a project we can do. Even if not for Mass Comm i hope to help this great charity and ask for any people who wouuld be interested to make themselves known. I'm going to post this in the forum as well.
I want to leave you with 2 thoughts.
1. One person in a developing country, on average, uses anywhere between 10-20 litres of water a day, How many litres of water does a person use in a developed country like Canada or America?
Each person uses approx. 326 litres of water a day.
So please when your brushing you teeth turn those taps off, and be carful not to waste water or food.
2. The other thought i want to leave you with is a quote from a great man, Nelson Mandela.
"Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it's and act of justice."

Thursday, October 20, 2005

3rd Post today

Hey all,

Scroll down to make sure your up to date on my life and done? good
now click on the link below

Take Care,


P.S. You can made a difference!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

How to maintain a healthy level of Insanity

In an everchanging world many of us have forgotten to have fun and just forget about social judgement for a little while. Sometimes people need to just let loose and fool around, act like they are 5 again (some do this more often then others)
Here are some suggestions on how to maintain a healthy level of insanity:

- Page yourself over the intercom. (Don't disguise your voice.)

- As often as possible, skip rather than walk.

- Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."

- Sing Along at the opera.

- Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.

- Find out where your boss shops and buy exactly the same outfits. Wear them one day after your boss does. (This is especially effective if your boss is the opposite gender.)

- Call the psychic hotline and just say, "Guess"

- When the money comes out of the ATM, scream "I Won!", "I Won! 3rd time this week!!!

- Don't use any punctuation

Try just one of these at least once a week and i believe that you feel better afterwards.

That's my health tip for the week,

Take care,


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Blast to the past

I love this look. I really respect those who can do this in the darkroom, painted negitives are one of the hardest things to do. I did this in photoshop, i want to learn to actually do it, it's really though though. Anyways this post is about the history of photography and an essay i did outlining the 3 main people responsible for making photogrpahy what it is today. Read on...

Photography has changed the world in which we live in many ways. It has given us an easy way to document people and events and has also allowed us to express ourselves in new exciting ways. The digital technology now lets us instantly share our photos. To understand what life was like in other times we look to the art of the time. Paintings give us a glimpse of what it was like to live in that time but we can’t take what we see in a painting to be true. A painting took days to produce there was no way to paint a battle scene exactly as it was. Also a portrait of a leader may give us an idea of what they look like but we need to remember that these painters were hired. The Artist may have been forgiving when it came to the persons’ shortcomings. Photography in its purest form is truth. There is no artistic rendering or biases. It captures the scene exactly as it was. None of the digital technology we have today would have been possible if it weren’t for those who explored photography in the early years, the fathers of photography. The people who have been most influential in this field have been Louis Daguerre, Edward Muybridge, and George Eastman. These men who have each made a significant contribution to form photography as we know it today.

Photography is a relatively new form of media. The classic arts, such as painting and sculpting, have been around since ancient times whereas photography was only developed in recent centuries. As with all new things people were scared by photography; when Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre introduced the first piece of photographic equipment in 1839, known as the Daguerreotype, society was uneasy. One person in attendance at a demonstration went so far to say, “from today art is dead”. This new technology was making many occupations unnecessary, such as book illustrators and scientific artists; therefore, many of these people became photographers to make a living. The main objections came from the fine art community who saw photography as an undisciplined lower class activity as opposed to a form of art. Painters who spent years developing their skills painting portraits were now replaced by this new technology. Painting was now solely an art form; it was a much slower form of portraiture as well as more expensive. Although not cheap by any means, photography was a more popular choice for portraits

Edward Muybridge was one of the first photographers to be respected by both the artistic and scientific communities. In 1869 he developed a shutter that allowed him to freeze motion and by 1878 he invented a method of capturing motion. The process required 12 cameras equipped with Muybridge’s stop motion shutter and an electrically controlled mechanism to operate the cameras' shutters. Wires were laid underground along the track (what track?) at 21-inch intervals, which released the shutter of each camera as the subject made contact. This allowed Muybridge to capture the motion of a horse’s gallop. The horse was required to pull a sulky in order to trip the shutters. The method was a success and this led to Muybridge’s further study of both animal and human motion. The art and science communities alike praised these projects. Muybridge is responsible for making photography accepted as art. The motion series was highly praised in the art world and resulted in Muybridge coining the nickname “artist photographer”. Not only did this series rock the art world but it also created quite a stir in the scientific community. The photos were extremely beneficial in the study of both animal and human motion. Now that photography was accepted as a respectable form of art the doors were open for further experimentation. The next step would be getting a camera into the hands of the public.

The first mass marketed camera would hit the market in 1888, developed by George Eastman; the Kodak camera was the first of its kind. At this time the standard method of developing was the “dry plate” method. The companies producing the dry plates were backing them with glass, which was not in surplus and therefore expensive. Eastman’s thinking was that if he could develop a new inexpensive film he could control the entire market. In 1844 he introduced paperbacked film and in 1888 the Kodak camera was put on the market. The Kodak camera measured 3.5x3.75x6.5 inches in size and came pre-loaded with 100 exposures for $25. The camera endured huge success in the amateur market. After one had used the 100 exposures they would mail the camera back to Kodak, which was then sent to Rochester where it would be unloaded and developed in a darkroom. The finished prints, negatives and reloaded camera would then be sent back to the owner for a fee of ten dollars. Eastman put a camera into the hands of the working class, now everyone could have family photos whereas before they were only available to the rich. The short exposure times which were now measured in fractions of a second allowed, and the compact size of the camera allowed the public to take photo’s anywhere. This was never possible with the long exposure and large equipment that was needed for photography before. Now you saw less awkwardly posed subjects and the photo’s were much more accurate representation of the time period. It was now possible to even take candid photo’s capturing the true nature of people, something that could never happen before.

Many people have influenced the field of photography in various ways; these men have made what I believe to be the most influential contributions. Daguerre brought us the ability to capture and image. Muybridge is responsible for freezing motion, and thus making photography a respected art form as well as a tool for scientific research. And finally Eastman who brought photography to the masses allowing for self-expression and large-scale experimentation, which would lead to further developments in the field. Everyone sees things differently and these men, with their individual efforts, have allowed for people to use photography how the see fit; some choose to document events, take snap shots of their family, or a thousand other things that are possible. Photography allows people to show the world what they see as important through that viewfinder.


There you have it. If you made it this far thanks for reading, hope you learned something : )



Monday, October 17, 2005

Love Song For No One



Welcome Back to those who are returning. "Love song for no one" is a song by John Mayer, i would like to thank will for turning me onto this guy and giving me his music. So yeah thanks to Will. But really this song is amazing. I think this is why i write. I've told people this before when asked about previous posts like "Her Smile" and such. People ask me who they are about and i tell them No One. I write these poems because i want to try and find out who the perfect person is. I want to write about how''d i'd feel if i ever lost that perfect person. I want to know how i'd feel so all i got to do is think about losing the person i'm with and if it's anything like my poems then i know that's the person for me. If that makes any sense. It doens 't have to make sense to you, but it makes sense to me.
I dun know what else to say
So i'll say goodbye,
Take Care all,


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The colour is gone

What is there to talk about, i mean i could talk about school or practise that i have tonight from 8-10 oh wow that will be fun (actually it will) but that would be advoiding what is actually on my mind, i dunno how many people will understand the true nature of this post but i want to say that I want closure i guess one way to put it would be...I want to talk to someone cause the last time i talked to them it was odd and she said we needed to talk and i agreeded, don;t worry people who don't know it's not the usual relationship "we need to talk" shortly followed by the "it's not you it's me" no no this is just a friend and i agreeing that things are not right between us and i know it's my fault. I'm sorry for it.
My life was so colourful, i was happy and it was great, i love colour i makes life interesting and fun. But what happened on the weekend makes me focus on other things. It's no ones fault i feel this way but my own, no on is making me feel bad about something that i shouldn't feel bad about. But Honestly it feels like the colour is gone from my world, I shouldn't be this upset about it but i am. I think this is the first time i've ever truly wished that i could go back in time and THINK just think, honestly. The people who this concerns know what i'm talking about.

*time passes*

I talked to her tonight. I left a message for her and then i saw her on msn and i asked if i could call and she said yes\. I thought it would help things talking to her, and i think it did, i mean she is still mad at me and believe me she does have every right to but now i know exactly what i di wrong so i can better address the issue now.
I feel horrible have i made this clear? i think so. I AM SO EMO this is crazy, am i overreacting?
I take comfort in the fact that our relationship is so strong and i'm confident that our friendship will easily pull through this but i hate making her upset\mad. I'm the cause of it and i hate myself for it.
I couldn't sleep last night
I thought of this
Of who i hurt,
about my actions and how i regret them
I'm sorry,
G'night guys,


P.S Will took this picture (there you happy now man? way to take away from my sentimental post)

Thanksgiving at Priyanka's

Good times,
Many more Pics...


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Wanna Get Scared?

No this isn't about halloween, this is scary cause it's real. This is a real reality check.
It's amazing how much i've been learning here at GH and i'm loving it but the downside is that it's really opening my eyes to some major prolems in out world.
We choose to live in a democracy over another kind of government why? because there is not only one person making the decisions and we select the people that govern our country right? Do you really think that we can make the best possible for our country when the people we are voting for are all just coming up with the bestg story to tell to get them into office. I don't know how Mr.Miguinty (can't spell) is still in power. Can't the people do something when a Leader doesn't do what they said they were going to do? why do they go unpunished? Anyways I'm getting sidetracked. My point is that we put our trust into certian sources of media. The medium of newspaper for example, we like to think that they report without an agendum and tell it as it is. This may be true but we can never know the stories that they DON'T tell. The fact that newspaper don;t report on certian things is a scary thought isn't it? But it's a real thing. Also Newspapers can lie.
Just because a newspaper is sucessful doesn't mean that they are trustworthy. Look at the story about New York Times reporter Jayson Blair. He resigned when people found out that faked stories and quotes, plagiarized other publications and filed fake expense reports to make it appear he was traveling on assignment when he was actually at his home in Brooklyn.
This man made up news, for at least 36 of his stories. And it slipped past the Editors or they read it and believed it without checking Blairs sources. I'm not saying that the Times isn't trust worthy i 'm just saying you need to just as careful when reading the paper as when reading articles or webpages on the internet. Oh yeah i forgot to mention this man was reporting fake news in 2003, so new technology wouln't have helped the editors check Blairs sources this story could have happened last week, or can happen again it's just a matter of time before it comes to our knowledge. Check out the story your self at

Some scary stuff no? And i don't mean to pick on the times but it's just that they are such a trusted BIG paper that influence so many peoples lives. I talk about influence so much because i am relating to Marshall McLuhans "rearview mirror" theory in which he tells us how the Future's Future is the present. In essence Two steps forward one step back. The way we are in the future is judged and formed by what happened before. We are all influenced by every event in our lives, every word we hear, every T.V show we consume, and every newspaper article we read. McLuhan states that the only people capable of living in the present are artists. If you want to see the present you should look toward modern art. For example right before the industrial revelution was over modern artists were using scraps of metal from abandoned factories to make their art work. If people look at this for what it was they would have realized that the industrial revelution was over.

Sorry again getting sidetracked but i was just making the point that in order to see the present we need to look toward the artist. And the new medium for artists is the Internet. Yes the internet can be used for art, and not just posting pretty paintings in the textbook defenition of art but i'm talking about multimedia art. New technology that allows artist to get their message across. The greatest example of this is This is a website. This is art. Not what's on the website but the site itself. If you haven't clicked the link yet i'll tell you what They Rule. net is about. It allows users to see who owns what and who sits on what board of directors but that's only a fraction of what you can do. You can run searchs on the companies through google and other sites right from . You can search what lobbists companies support and where they donate their money, same with the individual directors of the companies. One of the most interesting links I've found on the site is the very close link between Coke and Pepsi, sworn enemies? think again. they are linked to the same pharmasutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb. Robert E. Allen who sits on the Pepsi board of directors also sits on the Bristol-Myers Squibb board along with James D. Robinson III who sits on the Coca Cola board of directors.

The funny part of this is that Bristol-Myers Squibb's website, which is given to me by, tells us that and i quote

"Bristol-Myers Squibb is a global pharmaceutical and related health care products company whose mission is to extend and enhance human life. Bristol-Myers Squibb's 43,000 employees are dedicated to discovering, developing and providing innovative medicines that address significant medical needs of patients worldwide. And by living our mission and growing our company for well over a century, we are also making a difference in the lives of our shareholders, employees and neighbors."

Extend and enhance human life? The 2 biggest soft drink companies make energy drinks like Full Throttle which contain large amounts of caffine and recommend that you do not exceed more than one serving of the product a day. They make these along with their original products which contain huge amounts of sugar and caffine. These drinks are not good for us we know this but 1 man from each Pepsi and Coke sit on Bristol-Myers Squibb board of directors why? I'll let you think about that for yourself, i'm providing you with facts you do what you like with them. See the Map connecting the 2 companies at

Alright Back to newspapers, I'm sorry if this is hard to follow but i'm writing this watching the clock hit....2:20am so yeah. The New York Times has to have sponsers, it has to have advertising agreements, you think it would do anything to harm the companies that are giving them this money? No. Take for example if Johnson and Johnson make a defective batch of something, the NYT is not going to make a big deal out of this. It won't be on the front page i can garentee that. Unless the article is about how well the company handled the situation that was not their fault and you can bet nothing goes to print about J&J unless Henry B. Schacht reviews it. Henry B. Schacht is on both the J&J board of directors and the NYT board. Check this map i created on to see what other companies share a board member with the New York Times. on this map you can also see the connection between Pepsi and Coke again.

Influence is a scary thing. These Board members are controling what media we consume. What information to give us and how to give it to us, the masses. And we have no control, we do not elect these people. We buy and consume their products we are doing exactly what they want.

Just take what you have learned here, if anything, and use it to help you think twice about what you do and what you read. I also encourage you to use to make and view maps for yourself. If you find an interesting map let me know. I want to leave you with a link to another very interesting modern art website
This artists medium of choice is flash animation, another modern form of art. Listen to the ideas expressed here, they are very real and possible in the near future.

Take care,
As Always,


Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Should be a good time and i'm looking forward to it and seeing everyone again, i miss 'em.