Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Wonders of photoshop

Photo A

Hey there all!

Check out this pic. You like?
What i did with it was put a mask round the guy and the inverted it so everything but him was selected. Then i went into the adjust menu and then hue and saturation and put the saturation to 0. Then to finish it off adjustded the B and W tone so it looked great. I'm happy with the out come. I've posted both the origonal and the altered one so you can see the difference

Take care all,
Tell me what you think,


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Long Time no Write

Protest sign courtsey of Toronto Coalition to Stop the War

Chant leader for the parade

Greenpeace showing their support

Garden showing respect for the fallen

So much to say but really haven't felt like writing in a while is all...So let's make this kinda like some sort of Pete update sorta thing sound good?

So what have i been up to hummmmm lets think bout that...

University- (there really is only going to be one sub heading which is this one cause my life is all university now)
Going great, defenitly gotta get some help with my writing cause that is defenitly at an average high school level, not to good for university i msut say. But the classes are so interesting. Last night i read an entire trext book in like 2 hours. It was easy casue the whole thing was made to look like a comic book and it explains how comics are a valuable form of communication. these priciples can also be applied to other visual forms of communication. It's all relative eh? and really interesting, in my view at least.
I went out for cheerleading yesterday. yeah laugh now but look at it from my point of view, one guy, like 30 girls and they all respect me for coming out. So yeah not bad lol But it was intense, like they work you as much as a football practise does. we did suicides for a while like 15 min and then we did this thing with 3 sets of 20 i dunno what it was but you put your legs in the air while lying on your back and someone pushes your feet down and you have to tlift them up only to get them pushed down again, we did that and then the same thing only your feet got pushed to the side, oh and your feety couldn;t hit the floor, it killed your abs (yes dispite what you might think i do have abs they are just not visable)
After that we did stunting, where we lift one girl ( the flyer ) up and she poses then we bring her down, my job is to help her get onto the bases (two girls) hands and they lift her, i help by grabbing her ankles and support her as well, also if she falls i am the one who has to catch her which happend a few times, she said she felt safer having a guy as the thrid since i was more stable than the girls who are also thirds. I find out today if i make the team or not so we'll see, if i do it should be good times and it will also keep me active which is good.
To the Left you may have noticed some photos, which really is no surprise cause i'm a freaking photography student! but i got my browser updated so i can finally show you guys what i've been doing photo wise. Tell me what you think and all that. All you gotta do to post is write your comment and sign it, but then select anomymous (spelled wrong i know) so that way you dun have to sign up for anything but remember to sign your name so i know who wrote it.
these are images from the Anti War march on Saturday Sept. 24th in front of the US embassy in downtown Tdot. IT was pretty cool and well organized i enjoyed it, It was alot of fun to shoot to. Oh and none of these photos have be altered in any way, so what you see is whaty ou get, no photoshoping at all. Some could stand a little colour balance but aw well, that all comes later, i like to keep as true to the actualy picture as i can ya know, otherwise it's like cheating eh?
I gotta go to a yearbook meeting...

-Time passes-'

Back from the yearbook meeting, and guess who's photo editor? ME oh and i checked my email a few minutes ago and gues who got on the cheerleading squad? KAT and Julie!.......oh yeah and ME! so it's good times cept i got a bunch of work to do for class that i should prob get started on eh? so i think i'll end this here and talk to you all later!
Take Care,


ps. GO GH!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Written Part of Mass Comm Project

Ok, don't laugh or critizise just read.

Media Autobiography
Pete Madison
       In this day and age information is everywhere. Therefore the media is
everywhere. When the media is everywhere that means that we can never
escape its messages. Every day of our lives we are shown the media's
messages over and over. Without even being aware of it we are
influenced by these messages.
       We always hear about women struggling with being told how to look and
how to dress. The less common message is that men suffer the same
problems. From a male point of view the media puts the same pressure
on us to look a certain way as they do with women. There may be less
volume but the message is still the same, look like this, dress like
that. Every once and a while a certain style is in whether it be punk,
prep, or skater. As a result the masses are expected to see the men
who dress like this to be "stylish". In high school  I saw many trends
come and go. Sometimes I was looked at as "uncool" because I didn't
wear skater shoes. Other times I would be seen as stylish with my
shaggy hair. I didn't change but my, for lack of a better word,
"coolness" would. Depending on the style at the time.
       I photographed myself wearing five different styles. I prefer not
label these styles and leave it up to the viewer to take it as they
will. This is why my piece has no text. The beauty of photography is
that even thouhg I will explain how I view the piece someone else may
see it in a whole other light.
       The four outer images are not my true self. Some might make me look
better others worse but it doesn't matter because none of them are, in
essence, me. The center image is myself in it's purest form. I'm not
wearing a hat and I do not have my hair altered in any way. I am being
my true self. You will notice that I'm wearing the same shirt and
necklace in every picture. I do this because I'm trying to show that
even though we can change how we look some things will stay the same.
A part of our true self will stay with us. That is why the center
image doesn't have sharp corners. I used Photoshop to blend the
corners of the center image so it would flow into all the other
images. This way the outer images are not four different people but
four essences of one.
       These images were taken with a tripod and a self timer setting on my
camera. I did this even though it would have been easier to have
someone else shoot me because I felt I had to shoot it myself in order
for it to truly be a autobiography. Otherwise the photos would have a
different look to them. Every photographer has their own style.
Something that makes them unique. For me I find that it is how close I
get to my subjects and the interesting framing you get when your
closer then is thought to be conventional.
       I chose to use my backdrop rather than a blank wall because I felt
that the spattered paint could represent the chaos of the media. All
those messages being forced upon us, the very same messages that
influenced this piece.
       Although it is the minorities' viewpoint I do believe that body image
and trends are problems for males as well. That is why I did this
piece so I could spread that message and make that statement. An
underlying message in this piece is the tough guy image that men have
thrown at them. In order to be a man you have to be tough, have a
"built" body, and can't show weakness. I took this idea and thought
about how I could show that in these images since I do not show my
body. So I took the common thought that "Real men don't wear pink" and
with that in mind shot the image of me in a pink hat. I did this to
show that you don't have to be tough to be a man, you can wear pink
and still be a man. Even though pink is thought to be a colour
associated with women and therefore a more emotional colour. With this
thinking I've shown even though I'm a man I can still show emotion.
       Since this project is an autobiography about how I interrupt the
media's messages, I thought that it was the perfect opportunity to
address this issue that has been bothering me for some time. I know
that this is a very Liberal way of thinking but it is something that
needs to be addressed. Just because male body image is not conveyed in
the media on the volume that it is for women doesn't mean it's any
less of a problem. Many young men have struggled with this problem and
it should become a better known issue.


Monday, September 19, 2005

Mass Comm Project

Hey All,
If i can work out some layout problems then i'll post my entire project for ya all, let me know if you can actually see the image that i've posted along with this little writing. It's part of my Mass Comm project, one of the "styles" of me. It's a pretty cool project and i think that it looks really cool. I really like the background i have here. The paint splatters are neat eh? Well i thin so and really that's all that matters lol.
Speaking of Photography projects, I'm going down to that war protest thing in toronto on the weekend and i'm going to shoot it for my final project in photography class. Should be cool if my prof accepts the idea. He should though he's a pretty cool guy. If anyone wants to tag along let me know i could use the help.
I gotta take off for class guys,
Take care,


Sunday, September 18, 2005

Impotant Event

I want to let you guys know about an event that's happening in one of Canada's greatest cities on September 24th the Stop the War Rally. Thousands of people are meeting to march in front of the US embassy in toronto htis weekend. It will be an amazing thing to be a part of. I'm going to try and attend and due to anything else coming up i'm planning to go. So anyone who is interested let me know!
Check out the website,
Thanks for reading,



Friday, September 16, 2005


I'm in my dorm. I would attach a photo but my old browser on this mac won't support it. Anyways, the thing is the place feels like home. I think i know what i'm to do with my life and that's take pretty pictures. I know that doesn't sound like much but you can do so much with it. There are countless reasons to make a statement, or unlimited interesting subjects for a photo story or art project. Who knows what i'll do with it. But i can assure you i'm going to do something. I know what i've ment to do and i've found my peers. The people i met here are amazing people, not to dis count my old friends by any means, but these are just a different kind of friends, we can sit down and discuss project ideas in a way i never could before, from a photographic viewpoint in a way i dunno i just knwo thati love it here, and i want anyone who reads this to come on over and meet these new friends of mine and see my dorm. I'd love to have you.

Take care,



Tuesday, September 13, 2005


This is a confusing time for everyone.
I hope after our worlds spin we can find our way around.

Ryan's Well

Hi everyone,

I want to show to you guys a blog entry from my Mass Comm classes group's blog that i wrote, some of you may already know bout it but it's something that i care about. Please visit the website mentioned later.

Hey all,
Pete here, yeah that pete.
I want to talk about an idea for the Activist project, well a suggestion really. I've been attending a curling camp for the past 4 years, this was my final year. And every year during the camp the CCA and Trillium Curling Camp try to raise money for a very good cause. This year the week long camp that runs twice and involves a total of 192 campers raised just over $2,500. The good cause? Ryan's Well. This is a charity which takes the money collected and uses it to build wells in areas of the world that has no access to clean drinking water. This is a very important thing. It's a fact that 20% of the world's population, that's 1.1 billion human beings who don't have access to clean drinknig water. About 2.2 million die each year because of a lack of water or sanitation. Most of which are children under five years of age. On top of that how many people do you think die of water born diseases? About 3-4 million people, including 2 million children that die of diarrhea. These are some very scary numbers and it gets worse. More than 6,000 childeren die each year beacuse of lack of clean water or water born diseases. I know this is scary and i know that it's hard to think about but it's a reality. This year i had the oppertunity to meet the man who created this wonderful project Ryan Hreljac. Actually i met the boy who started it all, Ryan is 14 years old today and he started this charity when he was about 6. His class was learning about the world and when the teacher told the class that they were very lucky because they had access to water whenever they wanted ryan was confused. He didn't understand why people couldn't have clean water. Because when your 6 you think of the world as being your backyard. And when his class started to collect money for unicef ryan wanted to help. he learned that it took $50 dollars to build a well. So he started to do chores around the house and for neighbours and eventually got $50. He took it to his teacher and felt very good about himself. So he wanted to build more wells, he got his class to start bake sales and kid stuff like that to raise money. Ever since then the rest is history. His charity has raised over a million dollars and help thousands of people.
There is a side story attached to this story, bear with me I'm sorry this is so long but it's a matter close to my heart and i want you all to have a good understanding of this so we can consider this as our topic. If we don't then you can all learn about Ryans well and the next story.
The side story is Ryan started writing to a pen pal in Uganda. A boy named Jimmy . He was 2 years older than Ryan and lived with his mother, aunt and 5 other boys in a round hut just big enough for them all to lie down in. They exchanged letters often Jimmy found it a very good way to practise english. But one day Jimmy's letters stopped coming, for a month Ryan didn't recive a letter. It turns out that Jimmy's village was raided by a rebel resistance army who kidnap kids as recruits in their force. Jimmy was tied up and thrown into a hut. While in there he chewed through his restraints and ran out of the hut toward the forest. The rebel force fired at him and Jimmy fell pretending to be shot and crawled into the forest. Jimmy slept in the forest that night and in the moring ran to the place where he dropped off his letters to Ryan. This was a outpost of the Canadian Embassy. To make a long story short Ryan's family ended up adopting Jimmy and he is now Ryan's brother. I also had the pleasure to meet jimmy at this camp i attened along with Ryan and Jimmy, they participated in all non curling events, Ryan wasn;t much of a curler and jimmy had never seen ice and was scared of it but we eventually overcame that fear. They are 2 of the nicest people you will ever meet and they share an incredible story of human kindness.
I hope you guys will read this and consider something to do with ryan's well as a project we can do. Even if not for Mass Comm i hope to help this great charity and ask for any people who wouuld be interested to make themselves known. I'm going to post this in the forum as well.
I want to leave you with 2 thoughts.
1. One person in a developing country, on average, uses anywhere between 10-20 litres of water a day, How many litres of water does a person use in a developed country like Canada or America?
Each person uses approx. 326 litres of water a day.
So please when your brushing you teeth turn those taps off, and be carful not to waste water or food.
2. The other thought i want to leave you with is a quote from a great man, Nelson Mandela.
"Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it's and act of justice."

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Playboy Interview

This is an artice that i was assinged to read in my Mass Communications course. The great man that this article is about was Head of U of T's Center for Culture and technology studies for many years in fact he started it. Thw buliding consited soley of his office until after mnay years they started to build on it.

Here's the link i ask that you take some time and read at least the intro. (it's a very very long article) don't read it all if you don't want to . I won't take offence. but at least check it out



P.S. Please take a moment of silence to refect upon the events that took place on this day 4 years ago. Thank you.
