Saturday, April 30, 2005

Another Friday, Another Great time

Well as always this Friday didn't disappoint. What did we do? well after school we hung round clan call for a while and then Pri, Darryl, Brit, and myself went off to the Ryerson Art show- Maximum Exposure. It was a great show and i think the others liked it too. There was a ton of cool displays. I'm excited about university, even though i wouldn;t be doing this kinda stuff, i'd still be doing photography and all. Alright moving on now... after that (it was bout 8) We told Will, Gill, and Scotty to meet us at my house, we hung out there for a while and then the crazy stuff started to happen. We, after watching scary movie 3, decided to take off from my house. You see the thing was that we wanted to go somewhere but didn't know where and we had 4 cars to do it in! Gill had a car so did Scott Darryl and myself! So we decided to head towards Darryls house cause he and Pri had to go home at 11 30. We ended up going to Eglinton Town and fooling around in the parking lot with the cars, it was so crazy, i'm surpired we didn't get yelled at or anything. It was good times. We went to Tim Hortons for some food, i think only Scott bought anything (a donut) and we ended up hanging round there for a while. Ria Called darryl and we talked to her for a while until Darryl and Pri had to go home, then Scott and Brit decided to take off as well, Will, Gill, and myself however decided to get some gas and then head over to Will's for a while. It was good times!

So thanks guys! and i'll see ya all monday!
And I'm Glad you guys like the Art Show!
Love ya all,


Thursday, April 28, 2005

It doesn't make sense

I dunno why but the world is just unfair, Why do bad things happen to good people, they work hard do good things don't think of themselves often and yet shitty things happen to good people. It's just not fair...

Alright well i been writing a little and i wanna know what you people think of it...keep in mind this is a first draft


The Final Sunset
(rewrite title)

The world is crazy

Everyone has the wrong idea

Everyone is heading down different paths
And yet we're all going in the same direction.

I want the end of the world to come
I hope it happens in my lifetime
No matter how it happens i'm sure it will be beautiful
But i hope i doesn't end in a slow freeze
I want an explosion.
I want to see fireworks
Bright lights
I want to see the greatest sunset ever
Everyone would be scared
Boarding up their basements
Why try to stop it
Just accept it
You'll be just as gone as me in the end.
I'll be up on the roof
Watching that final sunset
I can't wait until it happens
Until the sunset takes me to peace.


This is the very first draft, copied from my notebook so i'll edit it and keep posting. Please help me by leaving comments



Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Hey All

Hi everyone,

It's been a long time cause my internet is down recently and i almost died, lol. Anyways to be honest it hasn't been the best of times recently. especially right now, the people that it concerns know which friend this happened to and who he lost so i won't spread to word in case he wants to tell people himself so yeah, but Like he was sorry for me i've even more sorry for him because he lost someone incredibly close to him where i lost someone i never really knew that well. I couldn't imagine what he's going through right now losing someone your so close to. I just want to say to him that i'm defenitly here you whenever you need me and i've already talked to you tonight but if you want to talk to me more i'll have the phone by my bed just in case. No worries man, stay strong, i'll help.

I dunno i'm haven;t written for a while and i dun really want to right now so i said what i felt like saying and i will prob write more later so yeah until then...

I'm here for you man

G'night everyone


Monday, April 18, 2005

Give me strength, reserve control, Give me heart and give me soul

Hi there all,

It's been a rough weekend i gotta say, a lot of emotion and a lot of things happening, but to be honest it was a great weekend even with the passing of my grandmother. It's a time like this that will test friendship and really shows you that you can count on your on your friends to be there and take care of you. So I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped me through this, you know who you are. You are the ones that were there either in person or on the phone, It's times like these that you just need a hug ya know, and a friend to talk to so thanks.

Oh and check the Toronto Star 2morrow for my grandmothers obituary her name was Marge Madison. I would love it if you guys could just take a look at it.

Thanks again,


Sunday, April 17, 2005


I'll write something later, i'm just trying to understand it all right now...


Timing hasn't been my friend lately, I dunno why but it has, I go home after school, i open a letter from Guelph humber and i get in but no friends around (if i had gone home at lunch like i had most of the week i woulda been able to celebrate with friends and then Guess what happened tonight? I was over at Darryl's house with him Ria, and Priyanka. at 10 i drive Priyanka home and then i figure it's only 10 so i head over to deans party that i said i'd stop by at say hi to ppl. I'm there for a bit and then my mom calls me and i'm told my grandma just died, so i want to get home to see my dad (his mom is the one who passed) but i can't really move. So i go sit down and Sam asks what's wrong i guess it was kinda obvious that i was upset, i was just sitting there with my head hanging down hand on the back of my neck i was told my left hand was shaking a lot. Well i calmed down a little and went to my car drove like 3 blocks and i had to pull over, i just couldn't do it so i pulled over and called Pri, honestly just to hear a calming voice, so i talked to her, it really did help me, thank you. Pulled myself together, and drove a little farther and then called Darryl, Why couldn' i have know about her dying 30 min earlier when i was at darryls, i would have been with 3 close friends rather than by myself at a busy party ya know. I got home safe though and called darryl but i need to keep the line free in case my dad was calling about when he'd be home so i couldn't talk to other ppl. No one was online and i wanted to talk. Will was online thopugh and i talked to him for a while that was nice thanks will. Anyways I'm kinda not that sad about her passing cause she had alzimers and everything she's almost better off. I mean sometimes we'd say i was curling next weekend and we'd go see her the week after she'd ask how'd it go, the next time i'd go see her and i'd have to leave cause she wouldn't know who i was and didn;t want me in her room. I dunno but i mean that didn't feel good. I wanted her to at least know who i was.

I've been thinking bout my grandfather passing lately even before this happened. i mean he passed away last summer before i knew what i wanted to do with my life. He was a photographer and founded Madison Photo Murals where my dad works enlarging B&W photos as well as mounting any murals. Anyways i'm into photography intensly now and i got accepted to Guelph humber for it and i know my Grandfather would not only be proud that i got into University but also that i'm doing photography. I only wish that i could show him just one of my photo's, just one i know he'd be proud, I know it.

I will post more 2morrow i want to write about this

love you guys thanks for being there


Saturday, April 16, 2005

Can't Believe it


I have to say i'm in a pretty good mood righ now, I got accepted to my #1 choice of programs!!! I got accepted to Guelph-Humber University for their Media Studies and Image Arts program, (commercial Photography) So yeah as long as i keep above a 70 percent average it's all good! YAY

Well enough of that, Friday was fun after a rocky start we had a good time, hung round my house when we got back from Wendeys. We (Pri, Will, Brit, Gill,and myself) met up with Scotty and Alexandera there. So yeah good times

Well that's a brief overview of Friday

TTYL guys,


Monday, April 11, 2005

A poem

Hi there everybody,

After letting some of my closest friends (you know who you are) read this and help me edit it, i have finally gotten up the nerve to let other people see this. I dun know who it's about so don;t ask me, i figure my explination for writing it is that if i write about how it would feel to have this kind of love and loose it then i will know when i have it (if that makes sense) Anyways here goes nothing please let me know what you think, and please, be gentle:

No Title-

I know I'll never see you again
I hear you crying
I feel you pushing me away
I see you running for the door

I tried to stop you
You wouldn't listen
You've made up your mind
So you're gone
And all I can do is sit here and think of you
Your eyes
Your smile

I can't do this without you
You were everything to me
All I had to do was hold you
And everything would be alright
You are my soul
And now I'm dying inside
I need you back
Your eyes
Your smile

I get out of the car
Look out over the vast landscape
See the trees in all their autumn glory
Watch the final rays of the sun
Gently paint the sky
Feel the cool breeze
Close my eyes
And think of you
Your eyes
Your smile

I remember laughing with you
The way you looked at me
And how i felt when i held you

I'll never have that feeling again
All I can do is feel the agony of a lost love
So I fall
Over the edge
Through the trees
All the while thinking of you
Your eyes
Your smile

I wake up
Feel the cold sweat on my body
My heart pounding
My breath shallow
I sit there
Staring into the darkness
And think of you
Your eyes
Your smile

I hear you breathing
I see you lying there
Beside me
That's all I need
Your eyes
Your smile


And there you have it, personally i don't really like the last stanza but hey that's me. Let me know what needs work and please don't laugh lol.
Also i would like to thank those who i first showed this to for being supportive and telling me it was good and all that, Thanks guys

Love you all,


Saturday, April 02, 2005

Hey All

A lot happened this march break i have to say. I would like to talk about all of it but i'm pretty sure that wouldn't be a good idea, there is a lot of emotions coming into play here and i don;t want to upset any of that. It's defenitly been an emotional march break i'm not going to lie but i'm also sadly not going to go into detail, the world just isn't ready for that.

Anyways, after kingston me and will went for a little drive down to Windsor to check out the campus (i applied there) and it was pretty decent i would rather go to guelph humber for sure but hey we'll see what happens eh? who the hell knows!@@##@ Everything is so unknown, You have to take so many chances so many risks! is it worth it? NO ONE KNOWS or ever will, and i'm not just talking about school, everything is like this! i dun mean to sound angry i'm just trying to figure things out and it hard, especialy on the internet because you can;t write about somethings you want to because then ppl read it and know things that you might not want them to know, that's why i have a notebook beside my bed, i've only had it for about a year when i realized writing about things helped me cope and solve problems (maybe that's where my giftedness in english comes out i dunno) but man that notebook is a place that i can write about anything and no one will read it so it's safe (i dun write bad things about ppl so don't worry about me hiding my true feelings about ppl or anything) but here i just can't be as free as i want to be, i think that's why i haven't been posting much.
I've been neglecting this place so i'll try and update it more but you guys don;t really want to hear about what i need to write about now and most of the ppl reading this anyhow know what i am writing about anyhow so yeah.

anyways Love you all